Filipino-American Youth Join the Call to End Corruption, Oust GMA!

Press Release
29 February 2008
Filipino-American Youth Join the Call to End Corruption, Oust GMA!
Reference: Jonna Baldres, Secretary General, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey
Contact Info:, 1(646)5787390
New York - The temperature in New York had been in the 20's (in fahrenheit) but the cold weather did not stop the heated vigor of the youth of New York/New Jersey from breaking out, expressing their disgust over the extreme corruption of the Philippine government manifested mainly by the President herself, with the ZTE-NBN scam as the most recent among the corruption allegations pointed at her.
The 28th of February has proven to be a momentous occasion for the New York/New Jersey youth as they ramped along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, marching around the Filipino community, chanting and carrying banners and placards stating "OUST GLORIA!" slogans.
"Today, we march against corruption and call out to the leaders of our country to hear the cries of the youth. We may be young and living in New York/New Jersey, thousands of miles away from the country, but this does not hinder us from taking part in the nation's plea for honesty and genuine service from our leaders," Danielle Galan, President of Anakbayan New York/New Jersey said.
The mobilization coincided with the national protest action against corruption in the Philippines, with a hundred thousand expected to come out into the streets of Makati City and other key cities in the archipelago. Simultaneously, Filipino-Americans are also holding mass actions in other cities in the United States.
"Corruption is a disease that robs Filipinos of a promising future. It is the same reason why our parents and fellow Filipino youth left the country to search for better lives abroad. Those who engage in it must answer to the nation's call for accountability," Galan added.
White ribbons were given away to be pinned on chest pockets as a sign of protest against corruption. Candles were also lighted as a symbol of hope for the enlightenment of the leaders of our country who have been blindly walking on the dark side.
"The simple means of marching and standing outside in the cold, holding placards and chanting calls is enough to let the Filipino community know that the Filipino youth are aware and very much willing to join the fight for social change," stated Jonna Baldres, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey Secretary-General.
Anakbayan New York/New Jersey is a comprehensive youth mass organization striving for nationalism and democracy that aims to build unity among Filipino youth in the New York/New Jersey area. Anakbayan, its mother chapter in the Philippines has been actively campaigning against corruption and for the ouster of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Anakbayan New York/New Jersey is also a member of YOUTH ACT NOW (Youth for Accountability and Truth Now) -- a coalition of Filipino youth, students and professionals from different organizations, schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and communities standing up for truth and accountability in government.
"This coming March 6, the Filipino youth of New York/New Jersey will be joining the YOUTH ACTION DAY in coordination with the national action of youth in the Philippines led by YOUTH ACT NOW. The Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal once said, 'The youth is the hope of the nation'. Now, let's prove it," Yancy Gandionco, Anakbayan NY/NJ Vice President affirmed. ###
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