Friday, March 05, 2010

We Demand Jobs and Education, Not War and Occupation

We Demand Jobs and Education, Not War and Occupation

Anakbayan New York/ New Jersey stand in solidarity with the students, youth and workers who are speaking out and standing up today against the systemic attacks on public education. It is high time for the rest of the society to take a stand against the systemic attack on the people’s needs in favor of the interests of the few and create a society wherein the people’s needs are prioritized above all.

State’s all-out attack on Education

Both state governments, from New Jersey’s Gov. Christie to New York’s Gov. Paterson, are all out in their attacks on social services, particularly, on the education sector.

In New Jersey, the operating budgets of the nine state colleges and universities have been cut five times and they now receive about the same amount of dollars they received 10 years ago. Despite the overwhelming number of student enrollment in 2008-2009, the current state government has even announced a freeze on state spending, signaling more lay-offs, more furlough days and tuition fee increases for the public sector.

In New York, over 19 public schools from K-12 are going to be shut down and a round of new tuition fee increases in the City University of New York (CUNY) and the State University of New York (SUNY) are being hashed out. In the Fall of 2009, due to a budget cuts and a huge budget deficit, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has announced that they’ll stop giving out student metro cards that’ll be another burden passed on working class students.

Budget cuts are an assault against working-class and immigrant communities

We are outraged that the burden of the so-called budget crisis that this country is experiencing is being put on the backs of immigrants and working class people while the government shelled out roughly $1.5 Trillion dollars for the endless war in Iraq and Afghanistan and $700 Billion to bail out banks and financial institutions, which in the first place are responsible for the current crisis; the crisis of the capitalist system.

With the education out of reach to most immigrant and working-class youth and students, this leaves them no choice but to join the army as their only way to get education, who, by the way, is the only sector that did not experience any cuts on budget allocations. This is no different than a military draft but solely for the immigrant and working-class youth, forcing them to fight the unjust wars of the rich.

With 4 million Filipinos in the United States, 51% of which belong to the youth sector, it is inevitable that our youth will be one of the worst hit by this crisis.

International struggle for right to education

All around the world, students and workers are decrying state abandonment of education. In Germany, Austria and Scandanavian countries and movements throughout the Asia Pacific especially Indonesia, India and Korea, students are demanding access to quality education. In the Philippines, students are calling out the myth of “liberal education” rooted in American direct colonialism up to the current Arroyo regime, as an ensuing and escalating crisis in education that is colonial, commercialized and fascist in nature.

We join the youth and students from New York to New Jersey and all over the US on this national day of action in demanding full funding for public education and not for imperialist wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and in other countless military bases in Israel, South Korea and the Philippines.

From the U.S. to the Philippines and all around the world, we have no option but to join in solidarity to defend our education and demand an end to imperialist attacks on our youth, our workers, our families!

We demand a fully funded and quality education system.

We demand good quality jobs for workers and teachers.

We demand to put priority in youth and students and not in big banks, prison and War.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

450 Relief Boxes from U.S. East Coast: SENT!

27 January 2010

REFERENCE: Jonna Baldres, Migrante International Coordinator for US East Coast,, (718)5658862

450 Relief Boxes from U.S. East Coast: SENT!
NAFCON/SanDiwa’s Bayanihan for Disaster Relief Campaign Continues

NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY – On January 19, just as news were received that the relief boxes from the US West Coast arrived on the doorstep of Migrante International in the Philippines, US East Coast — New York and New Jersey chapters of the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) and its youth arm, Sandiwa National Alliance of Filipino-American Youth — sent off some 450 relief boxes to be shipped to the Philippines on the same day!

“After nearly four months of struggling, and eventually, claiming victories, against the restrictions and repressive policies of the Philippine government on relief donations, NAFCON has once again proven that with collective action, the Filipino community will triumph,” said Nicholas Cordero of Philippine Forum-New Jersey, a member organization of NAFCON in the East Coast.

In September 2009, upon learning that typhoon Ondoy hit the Philippines, NAFCON and SanDiwa immediately gathered to launch its Bayanihan for Typhoon Ondoy Disaster Relief Campaign nationwide. Migrante International was identified to become the recipient of NAFCON and SanDiwa’s continued relief efforts, as it has proven to genuinely address the issues of Filipino migrants and, more importantly, their families in the Philippines. With the banding together of the whole Filipino community and friends from all over the United States, fundraising activities and collection of donations began right away, gathering about $15,000 in monetary relief, and more than 500 relief boxes in the East Coast — including food, clothes, medicines, blankets and other material donations.

“Three more typhoons hit the Philippines since Ondoy and the Mayon volcano just erupted in December. In light of all these calamities, the Bayanihan for Disaster Relief Campaign continues as long as the relief has not reached disaster victims, and we, the youth from SanDiwa, together with our mother alliance, NAFCON, will keep close watch and make sure that these donations will not go to corrupted hands,” said Anne Beryl Corotan, SanDiwa chairperson based in New York.

In the course of the relief campaign, NAFCON, SanDiwa and their member organizations all over the US have also led in fighting for the lifting of the ban on used clothing and dropping of taxes on relief by the Philippine government, and lastly, for Migrante International to receive and distribute the donations to affected communities. The campaign did not only focus on collection of donations and creatively fundraising for shipping but also took up the responsibility of challenging the policies of the Philippine government and exposing its inefficiency that caused the loss and displacement of thousands of its people in these tragedies. Community meetings and actions were also held to educate, gather and express the sentiments of the members of the community.

“As long as natural and man-made disasters keep coming to our beloved country and the Philippine government does not take steps to address these, and instead, imposes unreasonable policies preventing our overseas kababayans from sending help to our loved ones back home, we will continue to fight,” said Yves Nibungco, chairperson of the youth group Anakbayan New York/New Jersey and member organization of SanDiwa.

Out of the 530+ relief boxes, ninety-five more were left (New York and New Jersey combined) as the container could not fit any more boxes. NAFCON East Coast will be calling for a community forum within the next few days for the community to decide on what to do with the rest of the boxes. The boxes sent are expected to arrive in Manila by mid to end of February.

On March 7, a victory celebration for the relief campaign will be held as the Filipino community in New York also celebrates the second anniversary of the Bayanihan Filipino Community Center in Queens. Member organizations, volunteers and everyone who helped in the relief efforts are all invited to join in the celebration of the Filipino’s insurmountable strength, resilience and collective action amidst great battle and tragedy, leading to successes of the whole community.

For more information and for continuous coverage of the Bayanihan for Disaster Relief Campaign, please visit



More photos from this link:

IMG_1971.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Storage in New York being emptied of ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes

IMG_1997.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Loading ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes into the container truck from New York storage

IMG_2002.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Volunteers done loading 230+ New York
‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes!

IMG_2008.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

New Jersey ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes lined up for loading

IMG_2060.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Volunteers load New Jersey ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’
boxes into container truck

IMG_2062.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Volunteers practice true “Bayanihan” spirit
as they load relief boxes into container truck

IMG_2066.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Around 450 ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes sent off to the Philippines!

IMG_2069.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Container truck on the way to ship ‘Bayanihan for Disaster Relief’ boxes to the Philippines!

IMG_1970.jpg picture by jonnabaldres

Packing list ready as early as December 2009

3rd BAYAN Congress and 1st GAB-USA Founding Congress

A Glimpse of Youth POWER!
