Sunday, July 29, 2007


Press Statement

22 July 2007

Reference: Melanie Medalle, Anakbayan Honolulu/Bayan-USA

GMA regime threatens quality of education and safety of campus communities, continuing the disenfranchisement of youth and students

Exposurists from New York, Honolulu, and San Francisco have traveled across the Pacific to understand the issues and conditions of the Filipino people. Our sentiments regarding government policies are shared by the entire youth and student sector under our umbrella organization, BAYAN-USA.

As students from various colleges in America, we are appalled that the educational system here is being cut short and left out to dry. Students are forced to carry the burden of tuition increases by over 300% in many campuses, while unnecessary beautification projects are implemented to mask the deterioration of the failing learning systems within. Increasing commercialization of college campuses result in the displacement of small local vendors, mercilessly cleared to make way for corporate business interests. At the same time, students' civil right to voice criticisms against the government is now severely repressed by the implementation of the Human Security Act.

This hysteric legislation will have direct impact on the ability of the youth and all that dare to challenge repressive government policies. Its striking resemblance to the US Patriot Act is far from coincidental and illuminates the political partnership that guides continued US-Philippine relations.

As students in the US, we also face attacks on affordable education in favor of military spending and commercial profit. Filipino students in the U.S. and the Philippines are seeing our tuition skyrocket, while the quality of education deteriorates. The cost of U.S. President George W. Bush's so-called "war on terror" looks to reach $758 billion, not including its military aid to the Philippines which tripled to $30 million. U.S. tax dollars will be funneled into the continued harassment and oppression of the Filipino people.

The real state terrorism here is the sad state of facilities. We're astonished that the state has failed to maintain quality education but has the means to increase military spending.

The struggle we face as students in the Philippines and the U.S. is what unites us. In solidarity with the international delegates, we stand in strong support of the challenges that the youth, students and all communities are making against the oppressive GMA regime.

JUNK the Human Security Act!!!

DEFY State Terrorism!

Long live the youth movement!

Peace and justice to the people now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings kapamilya!

Hi.This is Lian, a researcher from MMK, ABS-CBN. We are currently doing a research on Filipinos in New York, most specifically the Filipino workers in the city. Is Anakbayan based in New York? Do you have contact numbers where I can call you? or email add?

If granted the chance, I would like to get in touch with some of your people or anyone you can refer whom I can interview about lifestyle, work, family life, etc.; if also possible, Filipinos in New York who have great stories. :-)

You can contact me through

Thank you so much and more power!

3rd BAYAN Congress and 1st GAB-USA Founding Congress

A Glimpse of Youth POWER!
