Friday, February 29, 2008

Filipino-American Youth Join the Call to End Corruption, Oust GMA!

Press Release
29 February 2008

Filipino-American Youth Join the Call to End Corruption, Oust GMA!

Reference: Jonna Baldres, Secretary General, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey
Contact Info:, 1(646)5787390

New York - The temperature in New York had been in the 20's (in fahrenheit) but the cold weather did not stop the heated vigor of the youth of New York/New Jersey from breaking out, expressing their disgust over the extreme corruption of the Philippine government manifested mainly by the President herself, with the ZTE-NBN scam as the most recent among the corruption allegations pointed at her.

The 28th of February has proven to be a momentous occasion for the New York/New Jersey youth as they ramped along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, marching around the Filipino community, chanting and carrying banners and placards stating "OUST GLORIA!" slogans.

"Today, we march against corruption and call out to the leaders of our country to hear the cries of the youth. We may be young and living in New York/New Jersey, thousands of miles away from the country, but this does not hinder us from taking part in the nation's plea for honesty and genuine service from our leaders," Danielle Galan, President of Anakbayan New York/New Jersey said.

The mobilization coincided with the national protest action against corruption in the Philippines, with a hundred thousand expected to come out into the streets of Makati City and other key cities in the archipelago. Simultaneously, Filipino-Americans are also holding mass actions in other cities in the United States.

"Corruption is a disease that robs Filipinos of a promising future. It is the same reason why our parents and fellow Filipino youth left the country to search for better lives abroad. Those who engage in it must answer to the nation's call for accountability," Galan added.

White ribbons were given away to be pinned on chest pockets as a sign of protest against corruption. Candles were also lighted as a symbol of hope for the enlightenment of the leaders of our country who have been blindly walking on the dark side.

"The simple means of marching and standing outside in the cold, holding placards and chanting calls is enough to let the Filipino community know that the Filipino youth are aware and very much willing to join the fight for social change," stated Jonna Baldres, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey Secretary-General.

Anakbayan New York/New Jersey is a comprehensive youth mass organization striving for nationalism and democracy that aims to build unity among Filipino youth in the New York/New Jersey area. Anakbayan, its mother chapter in the Philippines has been actively campaigning against corruption and for the ouster of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Anakbayan New York/New Jersey is also a member of YOUTH ACT NOW (Youth for Accountability and Truth Now) -- a coalition of Filipino youth, students and professionals from different organizations, schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and communities standing up for truth and accountability in government.

"This coming March 6, the Filipino youth of New York/New Jersey will be joining the YOUTH ACTION DAY in coordination with the national action of youth in the Philippines led by YOUTH ACT NOW. The Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal once said, 'The youth is the hope of the nation'. Now, let's prove it," Yancy Gandionco, Anakbayan NY/NJ Vice President affirmed. ###

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ILPS Chairperson Prof. Jose Maria Sison Congratulates BAYAN USA Northeast, Gives Orientation on Third International Assembly

News and Resources:

ILPS Chairperson Prof. Jose Maria Sison Congratulates BAYAN USA Northeast, Gives Orientation on Third International Assembly

Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:38:12 PM


By Prof. Jose Maria Sison
Chairperson, International Coordinating Committee
International League of Peoples' Struggle
February 24, 2008

May I convey warmest greetings of solidarity to all colleagues and friends who are present in this Philippine Solidarity Night in New York. I congratulate BAYAN USA Northeast and its member organizations, Anakbayan NY/NJ, Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FIRE) and NY Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP) for organizing this event and for making it an occasion to commemorate the Filipino-American War and to orient current and prospective participating organizations of the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) about the forthcoming Third International Assembly of the ILPS.

The two purposes of the occasion are interrelated. The Filipino-American War that started in February 1899 was a major landmark in world history, together with the Spanish-American War (1898), the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) and the economic crisis in Europe in 1900, that gave definite shape to modern imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism, super-exploitative and aggressive, with the oldtimers and newcomers in the colonial game ever struggling for a redivision of the world.

The US imperialists pretended at first to aid the Filipino revolutionaries and people against Spanish colonialism. But soon enough they laid bare their own colonial scheme and launched the war of aggression against the Filipino people and the newly-born Philippine republic. The Filipino people and revolutionary forces fought heroically for national liberation and democracy against US imperialism. It is therefore fitting and proper to avail of the same occasion to give you an orientation on the ILPS, which is dedicated to the struggle against
imperialism and for democracy.

Description of ILPS by its Charter

According to its Charter, the ILPS is an anti-imperialist and democratic formation. It promotes, supports and develops the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles of the peoples of the world, including the workers, peasants, women, youth, professionals and other sectors of society against the ideological, political, military, economic, social and cultural domination and attacks of imperialism and reaction.

It has a broad mass character. It is not subordinate to any political party, government or religious authorities and affords equality to all participating organizations. It strives to realize the unity, cooperation and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world.

It exposes and opposes the oppressive and exploitative policies and acts of the imperialist and puppet states, the multinational companies and imperialist-dominated international agencies, such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO, the UN Security Council and the military alliances such as the NATO and the US-Japan Security Treaty.

18 Concerns

The ILPS stands and fights for the oppressed and exploited peoples in connection with 18 concerns, which are the following:

1. The cause of national liberation, democracy and social liberation against imperialism and all reaction;

2. Socio-economic development for oppressed and exploited countries and nations and social equity for all working people;

3. Human rights in the civil, political, economic, social and cultural fields against state violence, national oppression, class exploitation and oppression, gender oppression, fascism, castism, racism and religious bigotry;

4. The cause of just peace and struggles against wars of counterrevolution and aggression and against nuclear, biological, chemical, missile and other weapons of mass destruction;

5. Promotion of trade union and other democratic rights of the working class, improvement of wage and living conditions against all forms of intensifying exploitation of labor and the destruction of working class organizations in their pursuit of the historic mission of fighting for
social liberation;

6. Agrarian reform and rights of peasants, farm workers and fisherfolk against feudal, semifeudal and capitalist exploitation and oppression;

7. The cause of women's liberation and rights against all forms of sexual discrimination, exploitation and violence;

8. Rights of the youth to education and employment;

9. Children's rights against child labor, sexual abuse and other forms of exploitation;

10. Rights of indigenous peoples, national minorities, and nationalities for self-determination and decolonization against discrimination, racism, and national oppression by imperialism and local reaction;

11. The rights of teachers, researchers and other educational personnel and struggle against ideas and researches directed against the people;

12. The right of the people to health and the rights of health workers;

13. Science and technology for the people and development, environmental protection against plunder and pollution and the destruction of the foundations of human life the right to safe and healthy food and water and opposition to manipulation of genetic technology for imperialist profit;

14. Arts and culture and free flow of information in the service of the people and the rights of artists, creative writers, journalists and other cultural workers against imperialist and reactionary propaganda and oppression;

15. Justice and indemnification for the victims of illegal arrest and detention (especially political prisoners), violations of due process, torture, extra-judicial executions, disappearances, mass displacement, and other blatant forms of human rights violations.

16. Rights and welfare of homeless persons, refugees and migrant workers displaced by imperialism and local reactionaries;

17. Rights of aged people towards a life in dignity and secure existence; and

18. Rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people against discrimination, intolerance and homophobia.

Aims and Purposes

The ILPS has the following aims and purposes:

1. To promote a common understanding of the aforementioned concerns and issues,

2. To stimulate, facilitate and coordinate common lines of action and undertake definite actions on the aforesaid concerns and issues,

3. To cooperate with all possible organizations, institutions and personages in the attainment of the aims and purposes of the League, and

4. To raise such resources as to enable the League to realize its aims and purposes and perform its functions.

The activities of the ILPS include the following: advocacy, research, publications, conferences, seminars and social and political action, including mass actions and the coordination thereof.

Theme of TIA in Relation to Current World Conditions

The Third International Assembly (TIA) of the International League of Peoples' Struggle shall convene in Hong Kong on June 18-20, 2008. It shall be held in Asia where most of the oppressed peoples and nations and where the most intense revolutionary struggles are being waged against imperialism and reaction.

The theme of the Third International Assembly is "Strengthen the People's Struggle, Unite to Build a New World against Imperialist Aggression, State Terrorism, Plunder and Social Destruction!" It is a theme of urgent importance because of the acute need of the people to
resist the unbridled plunder under the shibboleth of neoliberal globalization and the escalating onslaught of state terrorism and imperialist wars of aggression in the global war of terror unleashed by the US.

The ILPS has played an important and prominent role in the international anti-imperialist struggle. It has been the initiator and the base for many successful international conferences, campaigns and other activities against imperialism and issues involving the various concerns
of the ILPS. In this regard, you can get further information from the websites of the ILPS, TIA and the ILPS Chairperson.

As of February 15, 2008, the ILPS has 363 participating organizations in 42 countries plus Hong Kong and Taiwan and seven global regions: East Asia, Oceania, South Asia, Middle East, North America, Latin America and West Africa. We now have some national chapters and global region committees. These are being built along the line of the broad united front of anti-imperialist and democratic struggle.

With imperialist forces wreaking havoc and destruction, the firm response of the people is to unite and fight imperialism and all its reactionary lackeys. The Third International Assembly will discuss and assess the work of the ILPS over the past three years and adopt the plans to further strengthen and expand the ILPS to be able to face the challenges and effectively advance its work in every arena of the anti-imperialist struggle.

Program of Activities of the TIA

Let me acquaint you with the program of activities in the ILPS. The delegations are required to be at the assembly in the afternoon or evening of June 17, 2008 for registration, briefing and accommodation and ascertainment of attendance at the opening of the assembly on June
18, 2008.

In the morning of the first day of the assembly, June 18, Vara Vara Rao, chairperson of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of India, will deliver the keynote speech on the theme of the assembly. The Chairperson and General Secretary of the ILPS will deliver their respective reports.

There will be panel discussions, featuring Prof. Manolis Arkolakis of Greece on US militarism and war, Prof. Haluk Gerger of Turkey on anti-terror laws and human rights, Irene Fernandez of Malaysia on labor and migration and the novelist Arundhati Roy of India on the attacks on
rural communities and displacement.

In the afternoon of the first day, the study commissions of concerns Nos. 1, 3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 will hold their respective workshops . In the morning of the second day, June 19, the study commissions of concerns Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 will hold their respective workshops. Every member of a delegation has the opportunity to attend a workshop on the first and second days of the assembly.

Within four hours, each of these workshops will hear the introductions on the concerns and speeches of resource persons, engage in discussions and action planning and pass resolutions, one that is comprehensive and the rest specific. The comprehensive resolution shall become a part of the General Declaration of the assembly.

In the afternoon of the second day, the study commissions will report on their workshops, the procedural rules of the assembly and rules of nomination and election to the International Coordinating Committee shall be presented for deliberation and approval by the plenary and the nominees for membership in the ICC shall be presented to the plenary.

In the morning of the third and final day of the assembly, June 20, the proposed amendments to the Charter of the ILPS, the By-Laws of the ILPS and the General Declaration of the assembly shall be presented for deliberation and approval by the plenary session. In the afternoon, the election of ICC members shall be held, the votes shall be counted
publicly and the election results shall be announced. Every evening after dinner, the delegations shall be able to undertake film shows, short forums on burning issues, country information booths, poetry reading, karaoke or singing sessions, photo exhibits and the display and sale of books, CDs and DVDs, T-shirts with slogans, handicrafts and other souvenirs. Delegates also have the opportunity to use the swimming pool and other sports facilities.

There shall be a final cultural evening of international solidarity on June 20 during which the elected ICC members shall be presented and the delegations present cultural numbers, including songs, dances, poetry, dramatic acts and so on.

All delegates shall leave the assembly site on June 21, with the exception of those who make arrangements with the Host Committee to pay the extra costs of staying, the newly-elected members of the International Coordinating Committee who shall meet for the first time and elect the International Coordinating Group and the study commissions which shall meet further.

Concluding Remarks

I have given you a brief orientation on the ILPS and the TIA. Please get further details not only from me but also from the members of the ICC and representatives of ILPS participating organizations who are with you tonight. You can also visit the websites of the ILPS, TIA and the ILPS Chairperson after tonight.

I urge all the participating organizations of the ILPS in the US to send full delegations to the TIA and all prospective organizations to submit their application for participation in the ILPS as a whole and in the TIA in particular.

Thank you.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Filipino-American Youth Celebrate EDSA People Power Anniversary with Another Ouster Call

Press Release
25 February 2008

Filipino-American Youth Celebrate EDSA People Power Anniversary with Another Ouster Call

Reference: Jonna Baldres, Secretary General, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey
Contact Info:, 1(646)5787390

New York - Amidst the noise of the subway train and cold winter night, members of Anakbayan New York/New Jersey marched alongside other member organizations of BAYAN USA and NAFCON (National Alliance for Filipino Concerns) on February 24 in the center of the Filipino community in Woodside Queens commemorating the EDSA People Power of 1986. Calls for the ouster of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo boomed across the block where most of the Filipino stores, businesses and restaurants are located.

With the Philippines again in the hands of a corrupt, anti-people, and fascist president and leading puppet of US imperialist, thousands of Filipinos unite once again in calling for the end of this oppressive regime. While tons of corruption charges against the present administration have been unresolved and continuously piling up, the ZTE-NBN scam exposing yet another form of rampant corruption in Philippine government sparked once more the outrage of the Filipino nation. And while calls for Arroyo's ouster escalate in the Philippines, they also resonate abroad.

"The corruption of the Arroyo government can never be justified. The government has money for 'war', 'debt servicing' and other anomalous government deals but not for education of the youth and basic social services for its people. In turn, prices of basic services go up leaving majority of the Filipino families scrambling in poverty. That is the reason why many Filipinos opt to migrate to other countries, either leaving their children behind or bringing them to be raised up in racially sensitive environments abroad," Anakbayan New York/New Jersey Vice President, Yancy Gandionco said.

Anakbayan New YorkNew Jersey has been one of the most vocal Filipino-American youth organizations in the United States to express anti-US-Arroyo sentiments, taking off from its principle of struggling for a nationalist and truly democratic society. With its mother chapter in the Philippines, Anakbayan has been in the forefront of calling for systemic change in the social order of the nation since Gloria Macapagal Arroyo took office in 2001.

"What we need is genuine leadership and a truly democratic government that will address the basic needs of the youth and other basic sectors of Philippine society. With leaders from the ranks of the youth being critical of the Arroyo government, some of them have been either silenced or hounded by suspected elements from the Philippine military under the chain of command of the President. Under this political climate wherein young people who had chosen to expose the truth about the government were not spared, we, the Filipino-American youth in New York/New Jersey, even if thousands of miles away, will continue to voice out our disgust and criticisms and not be cowered by this power-hungry regime," Gandionco added.

The protest action ended with the lighting of red and white candles and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and "Bayan Ko" in the corner of Roosevelt and 69th Street. It was followed by a solidarity night at the Bayanihan Filipino Community Center sponsored by BAYAN USA Northeast, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey, Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FiRE) and New York Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP). The event was held in commemoration of the Philippine-American War of 1899 and a public orientation by International League of People's Struggle (ILPS) Chairperson Prof. Jose Maria Sison via videoconference on the upcoming Third International Assembly of
the ILPS on June in Hongkong.

Another mass action will take place on February 28 as we observe the international day against corruption in the Philippines. Everyone is encouraged to WEAR WHITE SHIRT or PIN WHITE RIBBON on the right chest pocket on that day. Anakbayan New York/New Jersey will be setting up information desk on days leading to February 28 in Jersey City & Roosevelt Avenue in Queens. For more information, email at ###


Anakbayan (in english: "youth of the nation") is a comprehensive national democratic mass organization that aims to build unity among all sectors of Filipino youth -- immigrant, US-born/raised, student, working, LGBT, women, artists, etc -- for the promotion of cultural awareness and the advancement of rights, welfare, and social justice. All Filipino youth are agents of social change, so all Filipino youth are welcome to join.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Philippine Solidarity Night and ILPS Third International Assembly Orientation




*performances by Filipino artists

*a public orientation on the upcoming Int'l League of People's Struggle Third International Assembly (TIA) on June 17 thru 22 in Hong Kong

*orientation to be delivered via videoconference w/ the ILPS chair, Prof. Jose Maria Sison

SUNDAY, FEB. 24TH, 7-9:00PM
(followed by community candlelight vigil for the resignation of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo)


organized by

BAYAN USA and its member organizations, Anakbayan NY/NJ, Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FIRE), NY Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (NYCHRP)


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Youth ACT NOW!

Youth ACT NOW!
A Call to the Filipino Youth to Stand Up for Truth

As the nation faces an intense political and moral crisis, the Filipino youth is called upon to take up its role as bearers of the future and stand up for truth and accountablity in government. The Filipino youth must act now.

We are youth, students and professionals from different organizations, schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and communities. We unite in collective aspiration to knock on the conscience of our leaders and to awaken hope in the spirit of the Filipino people to bring forth a movement for truth and social change.

We commend Rodolfo "Jun" Lozada, Jr. for divulging truths with regard to anomalies and corrupt acts in government. We admire the courage and determination he showed as he faced efforts of government forces to harrass his person in order to stop him from testifying in Senate investigations.

We express our solidarity with various church groups, the business sector, people's organizations and concerned Filipino citizens who have similarly expressed confidence in Mr. Lozada's sincerity and credibility.

We believe that national leaders should be accountable to the people and that government officials should portray the highest standards of morality and integrity to be able to propel the nation towards genuine progress, justice and peace.

As young people moved with our conscience and aspirations for good governance and accountability for wrong deeds done, we condemn the following acts by government:

· The attempted cover-up and past and present whitewash of evidence implicating Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the First Gentleman and the First Family, along with Malacanang's minions, in numerous issues of bribery and corruption and other shady deals of government;

· The gross and systematic plunder of the country's coffers and resources for the benefit of a few influential government officials and cronies;

· The Arroyo administration's shameless disregard of the intensity and effects of such allegations and its continuous brushing off of still unresolved issues of bribery and corruption despite overwhelming public clamor for morality, transparency and accountability; and

· The blatant and unabashed misuse of the administration machinery, including the Department of Justice, the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and other agencies of government, to conspire in the further deception of the people and betrayal of public trust.

The government has lost its moral ascendancy to govern due to the long list of scandals, electoral fraud and corruption issues that have mired its rule. The Arroyo administration has long ceased to perform as a role model government for the youth. It has caused the widespread disillusionment among young people and have been a disappointment to the youth's desire to instill reforms in government.

We call on the government of Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to stop efforts to cover-up the truth and be accountable for its immoral and corrupt acts. The government's desperate efforts to continuously cling to power have sown deep social discontent and division among the people.

We strongly believe in the sovereign right that rests on the people to change a morally bankrupt and corrupt regime with a conscientious leadership that can genuinely unite the nation and can bring forth meaningful social change.

YOUTH ACT NOW against a morally bankrupt government. YOUTH ACT NOW for truth, accountability and meaningful change.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Filipino-American Youths Say Enough is Enough, Oust Gloria!

Filipino-American Youths Say Enough is Enough, Oust Gloria!

Press Statement
16 February 2008

Reference: Yancy Gandionco, Anakbayan NY/NJ Vice President

Oops, they did it again. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her cronies have consistently managed to hog the spotlight in Philippine politics. Instead of being entertained and getting numb, the Filipino people are overwhelmed by feelings of disgust and outrage brought by the Arroyo Government's endless cheating and blatant corruption. Now more than ever, Anakbayan New York/New Jersey reaffirms its call for the immediate ouster of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

The ZTE-National Broadband Network scandal is just the latest scandal among the long lines of scandals since Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her cronies took power in 2001. "It is like watching one bad movie over and over again: same themes of corruption in the Arroyo family while ordinary Filipinos plunge even deeper into debt and poverty keeps popping up." Danielle Galan, Anakbayan NY/NJ president remarked.

"We are one with the protesters who flocked into the streets of Makati City, Philippines and all over the world, where people came in the thousands, with one resounding voice, telling the world that they have had enough!" Ms. Galan added.

Anakbayan New York/New Jersey is a Filipino youth organization with its mother chapter in the Philippines. Since Arroyo took the highest seat of power in the country, Anakbayan has been critical of her Government over its blatant non-interest in the Filipino Youth. During her term, we have seen nothing but the all-out commercialization of education, the increase of bright youth falling victim to extra-judicial killings and forced disappearances.

"Under her fascist and corrupt regime, thousands of Filipino youths are forced to leave their families to struggle abroad. Most often, they are thrust into the worst working conditions and most hostile environments just to earn enough to keep their families back home alive. They send remittances, which amounts to billions of dollars, that keeps the Philippine economy afloat only to end up in the pockets of the Arroyo family and her cronies." Anakbayan NY/NJ Secretary-General, Jonna Baldres said.

"The growing discontent of the people will not stop as well as the demonstrations that shall fill the streets, not only in the Philippines but in all places where there are Filipinos. In the spirit of People Power, the Filipino youth together with all the oppressed sectors shall fight as one and we will not stop until Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo steps down along with her corrupt cronies." Danielle Galan further added. ###

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Solidarity Statement from Anakbayan-Philippines National Chapter

Message of Solidarity to our Youth Compatriots from Anakbayan-New York/New Jersey on Its First General Assembly
National Executive Committee, Anakbayan-Philippines National Chapter
February 2, 2008

Warm nationalist and anti-imperialist greetings! Mabuhay ang mga kabataang Pilipinong lumalaban sa buong mundo!

Anakbayan in the Philippines would like to express our most heart-felt greetings of solidarity to Anakbayan-New York/New Jersey on the event of its First General Assembly.

We are always proud and honored to get ahold of news of developments and achievements of our chapters abroad. We believe that despite the thousands of miles that separate you from the homeland you remain united with the principles and struggles of the national democratic and anti-imperialist youth movement here in the Philippines. Your perseverance and commitment affirm the noble role of the Filipino-American youth in the national democratic movement.

The occasion of your First General Assembly with the objective to orient, consolidate and mobilize our Anakbayan members there for the advancement of the national democratic and anti-imperialist struggle is cause for celebration. We look forward to the plans, projects and campaigns that you are prepared to wage and await news of them here in the homefront.

We congratulate you on this momentous event. We also congratulate the new set of officers you have elected. We encourage them to go about their tasks as the standing Executive Committee of your chapter in charge of ensuring administrative, ideological, political and organizational consolidation of your ranks. The principles of mass organization that rely strongly on our tasks to arouse, organize and mobilize the broadest ranks of progressive youth would spring only from a strong collective leadership and organizational unity.

We are deeply grateful of your commitment to work in support of the youth movement here in the Philippines while sharply and diligently addressing the issues of your local community in the United States.

Long live Anakbayan! The youth united will never be defeated! Pahirap sa masa, patalsikin si Gloria! ###

3rd BAYAN Congress and 1st GAB-USA Founding Congress

A Glimpse of Youth POWER!
